Tuesday 13 October 2015

Character: Research into games involving Air/Wind

As this is proving to be the hardest component to implement into my game, I have been doing some research into some games that involve wind/air. Below are some examples that I found on a website that talks about games for children and some examples:

Keep It in the Air

This game is a great way to get out plenty of excess energy, but make sure that children don't get too overtired from too much blowing. The goal of the game is to keep a feather up in the air for as long as possible - using only your breath. It works well for one child, but can be played with two or three children as well. Alternatively, you can give the child a hairdryer to use to keep the feather up in the air instead.

Blowing Race

Challenge children to a blowing race. Each child starts with a packaging peanut or another light object at one edge of the table. The goal of the game is to get the peanut to fall off the opposite side of the table, using nothing but your breath. Alternatively, you can give children a box full of light objects and challenge them to choose the one that they think will reach the other side of the table the fastest.

Shopping Bag Kite

Many children enjoy flying a kite, and this recycled kite craft is no exception. On a windy day, take a plastic grocery bag and tie a long string to the handles of the bag. Challenge children to find the best way to fly this kite. Children will enjoy running with the kite until the bag fills with wind. At that point, the kite will rise into the sky.

Here Comes the Wind!

This activity works well with a full class or a large group of children. It should be played in a carpeted, narrow area, such as a small classroom. While it begins like a normal game of tag, as soon as one child gets tagged, the two children hold hands together as they call out "Here comes the wind!" Each child who gets tagged gets "swept up" into the wind and joins the chain. The game ends when only one individual player is left, with the rest of the group having already joined "the wind chain."
Perles, Carrie  - Games for Children About the Wind & Air - http://www.ehow.co.uk/info_7849965_games-children-wind-air.html - (Accessed 13/10/2015)

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