Wednesday 28 October 2015

Character Session: 27/10/2015

In yesterday's character session with Justin, we were learning about designing environments. Our first task was to create an environment based on the video game character that we received. I got John Marston, who is the main protagonist in Red Dead Redemption. The game is set in the late 19th century to the early 20th century in Texas, and so is based around cowboys, like John Marston. For my first design, I drew a Saloon, which is quite obvious as that is one of the things that is thought of when thinking about the genre. Although it did work, Justin explained that it doesn't necessarily link to the character. John Marston is very serious and is, as the title says, seeking redemption. He suggested making it looking more "run down" and that it looks like a dangerous place to be, while still being quite strong. I continued with that design by including sections that look like it's been fixed.

I then designed a completely random building based on one that I found on google, and tried to make it fit to what Justin said. I made it very rectangular and square because when learning about characters, we were told squares are used to show something is strong and so I wanted to show that in this design. I, also, made it look quite old through it wobbly pannels and broken areas. I think this design works more than the first as it matches John Marston's character better than the first design.

Our final task, was to design an environment based on the two words that Justin gave us -  the words I got were "Restless" and "City". Unlike other people's words, they go together quite well. It could be fair to say that most of the World's major cities are considered to be restless, New York being an obvious one. As it was too late in the session, I didn't have enough time to do a design.

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