Wednesday 8 October 2014

OGR - 8th October

I know it's a little late and it isn't well presented. Sorry.


  1. OGR 10/10/2014

    Hey Dan - I'm a bit confused by your OGR - because it doesn't seem to be telling me about any decisions you've made! Everything is so tiny too - tiny images, tiny text - that I was struggling to read it. What I was after was something more like these:

    I don't know which city you've chosen, or why - and I'm not sure how I can be very helpful with this document as my guide. Could you put something together more along the lines of the examples I've given you (don't get caught up with the drawings, focus on the way these students have expressed themselves and their ideas using the OGR format). I look forward to getting a more clear idea of what your intentions are...

  2. Hi Phil.
    I know how bad it is. In all honesty, I only found out that we had to put it into scribd when it was about 10 minutes to 8. And as I don't have Microsoft Word, I had to put it all together as quickly as possible on Word Pad, so I couldn't make it look any better.
    As I was not sure as to whether it would still be looked at as it was past the 8pm deadline, I had no time to explain or write about anything.
    Also, I wasn't sure as to if I should have selected a city as I haven't done thumbnails for all the cities yet.

    I know I've messed this up, but I'll try much harder to keep up.
